Environmentally friendly cupcakes?

By on June 11th, 2010 . Filed under: Bakeries, Other .

So this is a bit of a different post for me.  I was cruising some news items and happened across a headline in the Huffington Post ‘How a Cupcake Ruined My Day (and No, I’m Not On A Diet)‘ and I was intrigued.  The crux is that she was served her cupcake in an “excessively large plastic container,” and when she asked the man serving where the recycling bin was when she was finished, she was told “we don’t recycle”.

I understand her angst, doing what we can is important, everyone helping could make a difference. I understand commercial reality too, but supplying recycling bins shouldn’t be that hard.

Anyway instead of dwelling on the poor, I wanted to give a thumbs up to another bakery which is the opposite and while it may not be possible for every bakery to go to this extreme, there are certainly ideas a plenty on the Birdbath / Build a Green Bakery website!

Their cups are made of biodegradable corn, the countertop and shelves, from recycled paper, they are wind powered, their paper bags are not wax lined, the floor is reclaimed timber. They use organic flour, sugar and butter, deliver by bicycle-driven cargo rickshaw and compost their coffee grounds daily.  Also they offer a 25% discount to customers arriving on a bicycle or skateboard. Sounds very GREEN to me!

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4 Responses to Environmentally friendly cupcakes?

  1. shannon abdollmohammadi

    Good luck to the “green” bakery!!! Seattle has banned all styrofoam containers.

  2. jubilee kitchen wax

    dispenses utilize a wonderful ınternet site decent Gives thank you for the working hard to help people

  3. Environmentally Friendly Cupcakes :: All my loves in one! « Welcome to The Green Scene!

    […] time, upon reading their blog entry, “Environmentally friendly cupcakes?” and it somehow combined all of my loves in […]

  4. Going green at home | All Things Cupcake

    […] week I discovered environmentally friendly cupcakes and the Build a Green Bakery in New York, and I got to thinking about how you can think green with […]

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