Giveaway from Red Velvet Stefanie

By on April 19th, 2010 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Giveaways, Reviews .

This week we are featuring a giveaway from longtime All Things Cupcake friend, Red Velvet Stefanie.  In January, Hungryrunner shared a review of Stefanie’s famous Red Velvet Cupcake Mix (so yum!). 

Another shot of the finished cupcake


More recently we also posted a piece about her updated and expanded website.


This week, Stefanie is giving away a box of her favorite Red Velvet Cupcake Mix.  To enter this giveaway, we ask that fans either visit Stephanie’s website or her Facebook fanpage.  Then come back to ATC and click on the comment area below tell us your thoughts.  Did you like her assortment of mixes or is there a flavor you’d like to see?  Maybe you like her cupcake photos or realized that you tried her delicious cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory.   Give Stefanie your thoughts by entering this giveaway!  One winner will be chosen on Monday,  April 26th. 



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47 Responses to Giveaway from Red Velvet Stefanie

  1. Nichole

    Absolutely love the concept of selling gourmet mixes. Give the busy mom (or dad!) time to bake and enjoy homemade goodies! I can’t wait to try the Red Velvet!

  2. Melanie

    I’d absolutely LOVE to try the banana cupcake mix – yum!

  3. Lindsey

    I would love to try the banana cupcake mix with the choclate cream cheese icing *MmM* Maybe a Peanut butter & chocolate mix would be yummy too!

  4. Laura

    I visited Stefanie’s website and it seems like it is something that has just started. I really like the idea and sound of a lot her mixes, but I think the site falls short on reflecting her personality and the feeling of her business. I mean the packaging is bright pink, her logo is really cute, she’s selling a great and very in product right now but the website seems really…plain to me. It would be nice to see some photos of her products as well on the page where you can make purchases. But other than that, I’d love to try one of her mixes. I am such rubbish at making cupcakes from scratch so products like these are a god-send to people like me :P It’s a lot cheaper than buying 2 dozen gourmet cupcakes as well and you feel a sense of accomplishment making them on your own. The mother’s day giftpack is also a GREAT idea, especially since it’s already pre-wrapped and ready to go. Offhand I can’t think of any flavors she doesn’t already carry. I wish Stefanie much luck with her website and business from one cupcake lover to another!

  5. Ellen

    Oh, they all sound delish! I love the idea for the Mother’s Day package…I am thinking of purchasing that for both my moms! Enjoyed the site!

  6. breeana

    YUMMY! I really want to go to the cheesecake factory now. What a great idea to sell the mix. I know what I will be ordering for my daughters 1st birthday party!

  7. Stacy R

    I would love to try some of the mixes I saw like the black and white cupcake or the lemon cupcake, but I wish there were more photos of these “other” cupcakes on the website and facebook page. I don’t even think the other mixes are mentioned on her facebook page in an easy to find location. I love the pictures of all the red velvet cupcakes, but I think the others aren’t promoted enough. And if someone doesn’t like Red Velvet, they might not even realize there’s many more options for them.

  8. Once Upon A Pedestal

    I’d like to see some photos on her website’s front page b/c her pictures are amazing!!

  9. Kaoru

    Love the Mix of the Month idea and obviously that the name is my favorite flavor, Red Velvet!

  10. Cera

    The mixes all look really good, but I’d love to see a chocolate cupcake mix. It’s pretty much my favorite kind of cupcake. Or maybe a caramel/creme brulee flavor. That sounds really delicious too.

  11. Megan

    I love all her flavors. I just want her to keep exploring her creativity, as I know they will all be tasty. Keep up the good work!

  12. Lina

    I’d never heard of the red velvet cake cheesecake but now I just might have to take a trip to Cheesecake Factory for some! Looks like the site still needs some work as not all of the links take you anywhere, but it’s a good start. I’m a little surprised to not see a chocolate cupcake mix to go along with the vanilla although if I were shopping there I’d probably go for one of the more gourmet flavors instead.

  13. adrian

    I would love to see an Oreo cookie mix. I would also like an easy way to find nutrition facts & ingredients.

  14. Bari

    I will definitely try the Red Velvet at the Cheesecake Factory next time I go! LOVE Red Velvet cakey things; started making this from an OLD OLD recipe way back in the sixties – gotta try the RVS mix! Great website!

  15. Gayle

    I would like to try the red velvet cake. I had a cupcake in Lexington and it was the best ever.

  16. Lauren O

    My favorite part of RVS’ website is her About Me section. I can relate to her young desires of becoming a baking show hostess. My sister and I used to host pretend shows in our kitchen when growing up. Lately I’ve taken a more serious bite (ha?) out of the cupcake scene and hope to start an online catering business once all my ideas are developed. RVS shows us that one you have the dream, nothing can stop you!

  17. Bryn

    Okay… what was that rainbow one?? That looked awesome! Although red velvet is my favvvvvv!

  18. Christina D

    I have had her cheesecake and it is the BEST!!! Red Velvet had always been my fave and I am so glad I am now her fan on facebook. What a great idea to sell the mixes too :-)

  19. Lairy the Cupcake Fairy

    … love the mixes, love the packaging & love how yummy they all look! Fantastic! What a great idea to offer the mixes and send them out! I also think your idea of catering one event for free is lovely. More pics please!!

  20. Lise'

    I would definately get the “Mix Of The Month Club”! Creative itea to sell boxed mixes, Stefanie!

  21. Lindsey

    I LOVE Stefanie’s Red Velvet Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. My husband and I can’t resist it when we are there!! SO good!!

  22. lovey

    The French Toast Cupcakes sound delicious. I tried to view the apparel, but unfortunately the pics didn’t show.

  23. cupcake krystin

    the pictures on her website look absolutely delish! they show how moist her cupcakes are and seriously make me crave one. i’ve seen RVS before but didn’t realize it was related to what i have seen at the cheesecake factory, which is a favorite of mine. i mean really? cupcakes, cheesecake, red velvet cake…probably the three best deserts ever! thank you for the inspiration.

  24. Angie

    the black and white mix sounds really good!

  25. Amanda

    First off, I didn’t realize that SHE was the woman behind the delicious concoction that is the Red Velvet Cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory! I had it back in Thanksgiving and it was amazing! Moving on, I think, honestly, the best part of the website is the pictures. I have looked everywhere online for great, real pictures of cupcakes and the ones on her website are the best I have seen. Especially the one at the top of the “Parties & Events” tab. I think I may have to order a few cake mixes… sometimes I think being pregnant and checking this website everyday isn’t very good for me!! Just kidding! Maybe it is great for me and not so great for the hubby’s pocketbook! I hope everyone enjoy’s it as much as me.

  26. sara

    More pictures and flavours! Great though!

  27. Leslie

    I love reading about all of the cupcake mix flavors. They are so unique and sound so yummy!

    I also loved the quote:
    “Cupcakes aren’t just a dessert, they are a lifestyle.”- Red Velvet Stefanie

    That is so perfect!

  28. The Cupcake Poet

    Red Velvet, Snickerdoodle, Vanilla, Black and White.
    French Toast, Lemon-Banana, I can eat them all night!

    Looking through your website, I must say with cupcake glee
    You are doing a great job RED VELVET STEFANIE.

    Add a tinge of color and more cupcake backgrounds too.
    You will find a lot of visitors buying more cupcakes from you.

    More pictures, more cute fonts, videos would be nice to see
    Other recipes for diabetic people, some cupcakes that are sugar free.

    Mini cupcakes, cake cupcakes, poke-cupcakes with jelly,
    All this talk of cupcakes is making me hungry!

  29. Jessica H

    i love her variety but i love to see a spiced ginger cake mix.

  30. Jessica Eubanks

    wow, i like everything on the site! i’d like to order one of each of the mixes! there were quite a lot of choices, too. but more can never hurt either!

  31. Jeanine

    I like that there is a Mix of the Month Club where you can get a new mix and recipe guide.

  32. Caroline

    I really want to try that french toast cupcake. sounds divine!

  33. Stacy Day

    It’s hard to find a good banana cupcake mix! I would love to try the lemon on as well!

    The selling of the cupcake mix is a great idea!! I also like the fact that she gives you the recipe for the frosting that she suggests. Most companies don’t think about that about both. I think mix of the month is a great idea.

    The links that are clickable should be in a different color so you are aware of that. Also, I didn’t find any pictures of events or just of cupcakes she had made. Visuals can say a lot!

  34. nialya suarez

    mix of the month club, so yummie! great site, awesome idea!

  35. Sharon from Sharontology

    I want the Snickerdoodle flavor…not only because they’re probably delicious but ’cause it’s fun to say ‘snickerdoodle’ :-)

  36. Krystal

    love the site.
    Stephanie is so pretty!
    The cupcakes look so yummy!
    I would love to see more pics esp. catering events/weddings display examples.

  37. Lori

    Neat idea! They all sound so good!! The Lemon with the Pink Lemonade Frosting, mmmm!! The French Toast one sounds good too, like I said they all sound good :)

  38. monica alexander

    Ooooooh!! Love red velvet, would LOVE to try this! :) Thanks!

  39. Dani

    A few months back, I had the Red Velvet Cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory- it was AMAZING! That alone makes me want to buy her products- especially the french toast- YUM! :) However, I was a little confused by the recipe guide. I feel that if I’m paying $16.00 plus shipping for cupcake mix, I should get the frosting recipe made to compliment the cupcakes I’ll be making. The guide would also be a fantastic option to sell separately, but the accompanying frosting recipe should be included with my purchase. Other than that, I feel she’s got the right idea and (unknowingly) realized firsthand the quality of the products being sold! :)

  40. Jennifer

    The Snickerdoodle Cupcake mix sounds amazing!

  41. Lena

    Ohhh! The french toast cupcake sounds marvelous! What unique flavors…I couldn’t possibly figure out what flavor would be missing. Yum!

  42. Cookie

    Your pictures are wonderful your website is really nice too!

  43. Stef

    Hi Dani! One delicious frosting recipe is included w/each mix! There are alternate recipes in the guide! :)

  44. Mary

    @ cup-of-cake way to take things too seriously, this is a contest to win a cupcake mix!

  45. Enrique Umbarger

    Hi, I might possibly have a problem with night teeth grinding, how can I tell? Where can I read about the symptoms? Thanks.

  46. brynn

    hi im brynn

  47. brynn

    im 10 and i love bakeing

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