Beer, Cheese, Bacon & Cream Cheese Cupcake

By on April 12th, 2010 . Filed under: Kitchen, Recipes .

Did you ever think that anyone would put these ingredients into a cupcake?  Well someone has and they were kind enough to share the recipe and pictures with us.  It kind of sounds like a loaded baked potato!

Beer, Cheese, Bacon, Cream Cheese…In a Cupcake!

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2 Responses to Beer, Cheese, Bacon & Cream Cheese Cupcake

  1. Matt

    I thought these tasted so good! What do you think?

  2. Cupcakes for Dad? | All Things Cupcake

    […] asking for more, be sure and check out other beer cupcake recipes that ATC has posted in the past: Beer, Cheese, Bacon & Cream Cheese Cupcake, St. Patrick’s Day Cupcakes, and winning recipes from the Scharffen Berger Cupcake Adventure […]

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