McDonalds Germany’s NYC Themed Cupcakes
By hungry runner on April 11th, 2010 . Filed under: Announcements, News .Another great cupcake announcement shared with me by my sister. She noticed a post on Slashfood explaining that McDonald’s Germany is now offering New York City Themed Cupcakes in McCafe’s. Four New York City neighborhoods (if you count Central Park as a neighborhood) have been assigned what McDonalds feels is their cupcake persona. The flavors offered are as follows, Soho=vanilla, Chelsea=Chocolate, East Village= Cappuccino, and Central Park=Strawberry. Burger Business had a great article on the cupcake release explaining how McDonald’s is fascinated with current popular trends, in addition to American cities which they in turn use as a marketing technique.
I am not sure if I would try a McDonald’s cupcake, I love cupcakes but I can’t decide if I would love one from McDonald’s. I would really like to hear what someone who has tried one thinks! Let us know if you think you would try a one or if you already have!

April 11th, 2010 at 5:33 am
[…] the original post: McDonalds Germany's NYC Themed Cupcakes | All Things Cupcake Posted by admin on April 11th, 2010 Tags: cupcakes, now-offering, post-on-slashfood, sister, […]
April 11th, 2010 at 7:47 am
That sounds totally repulsive to me :/ I dont like McDonald’s ANYTHING!
April 11th, 2010 at 8:16 am
i think i am a soho cupcake! i hear mcdonalds in paris have macarons on their menu. and in london cadbury egg mcflurries!
April 12th, 2010 at 11:34 am
We have cadbury egg McFlurries here (Canada)! Not sure about McD’s cupcakes…I haven’t even had a muffin there…I don’t eat much from there…the fries…and they’re not always great lol. I like homemade cupcakes best…the only way to eat them! Grocery store cupcakes aren’t the same.
August 13th, 2010 at 2:15 am
Their McDonalds Cafe over in Germany is a lot nicer then here in the states and their baked goods are awesome. We were stationed over there for 3yrs and i liked getting pastries from there…much better then their reg food. They didnt have them when I was there but I would try them.