Cupcake Poster Sale

By on March 22nd, 2010 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas . is having a major sale til’ Thursday the 25Th on a big chunk of their posters. While searching for some posters for my new place I found some Cupcake Posters/Prints on sale.

Cream Cheese Cupcake $2.98 plus S+H

Vanilla Cupcake $3.98 plus S+H

Butter Cream Cupcake $2.98 plus S+H

Remember it only goes until Thursday. And enter coupon code ‘DAWN’ at the check out an get an extra 22% off!

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2 Responses to Cupcake Poster Sale

  1. Ashley L

    Thanks for posting this! I had looked at these prints for my daughters room and was deciding if we should get them, on sale of course I did!! They had free shipping so they didn’t let me use the other coupon, but still a great deal, thanks!

  2. TireBuyer discount

    Nice article, good amount of important information.

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