Kitschy Digital Cupcake Goods
By hungry runner on February 13th, 2010 . Filed under: Crafts .Kitschy Digital has a few cute cupcake items on their website; including an Printable PDF Embroidery Pattern. The pattern is $4.00 and includes sample ideas. There’s also a cupcake cut-out sheet of stickers for $1.25.

March 17th, 2010 at 10:19 am
That rss feature on your site here is impressive, you should tell more folks about it in your upcoming post. I haven’t noted it a first, now I’m using it every morning to check on any updates. I’m on a really slow dial-up link in Brazil and it’s rather baffling to sit there and wait for such a long time ’til the page loads… but hey, I just found your rss page and added it to the Google Reader and voil? – I’m always up-to-date! Well buddy, keep up the good work and make that rss button a little bigger so that other people can enjoy that as well :-P