World Nutella Day Cupcakes

By on February 5th, 2010 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

Happy World Nutella Day!  In honor of the worldwide celebration various blogs submit Nutella inspired recipes.   Here are just a few awesome cupcake ideas from years past.  If you have a Nutella cupcake recipe you love be sure to share it with us!

Carrot Squash Nutella Cupcakes

Self Frosting Nutella Cupcakes

Nutella Filled Cupcakes

Double Choclate Chunk Cupcakes with Nutella Frosting

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4 Responses to World Nutella Day Cupcakes

  1. Stephanie

    We love Nutella in our house so I was very excited to see this post! All the recipes look amazing. I wish I could keep Nutella around long enough to make something with it, but we all just eat it by the spoonful as soon as we get it!

  2. Juliet Douglas

    I knew I missed this post for a good reason…I was on vacation with no access to a computer. Nutella is my best friend.

  3. MOMO

    The first step to get to happiness

  4. The Nutcracker Inspiration « Flee Fly Flown

    […] Martha Stewart offers some great instructions on making Nutcracker stockings. Or perhaps adorn your hazelnut cupcakes with little soldiers and […]

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