Cupcake Ohhveralls

By on January 28th, 2010 . Filed under: Clothing, Halloween .

I noticed a reader’s comment on a past post and when I checked out the link I realized I should share it with everyone.  I know Halloween is months away but just in case you need a cupcake costume for another occasion, here is a fun option: Cupcake Ohh!Veralls! You have over a dozen cupcake styles to choose from and prices range from $90-225, depending on the style.

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3 Responses to Cupcake Ohhveralls

  1. minnie401

    super cute & never to early to start thinking about a Halloween costume! i’d love to get one for my daughter, but wow, the price is kinda high for something she’ll only use one time…. hmmm… i will contemplate this one… thanks for sharing!

  2. Penny Beebe

    CALLING ALL ADULTS!! Many of you have been asking for adult cupcake ohhveralls! Today I figure out a way to create a larger base. There are still some restrictions…but this is going to be much more accomodating. Look for additional information very soon on my website… Thanks, Penny

  3. Sophie

    Dear Penny, I am since long now very interest by order one cupcake costume but it seems your web site is not available anymore … Is there a way, to reach you ?
    Thanks by advance for your answer,
    Sophie (from Paris-France)

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