Facebook Fan Photos

By on January 27th, 2010 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Party Items .

This week ourFacebook Fan Page  hit an amazing milestone by having over 1000 fans! If you haven’t already fanned us, please click here to join in on the fun.  Recipes are shared, questions are answered and photos are posted. Here are some of my favorites this month from fans Shawna, Andrea and Deanne:

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2 Responses to Facebook Fan Photos

  1. Marta Daniels

    How did you get a “Fan Photos” section for your Fan Page? I can’t figure out how to do so for my page and its driving me CRAZY!! Lol! Please help!

  2. stayhomecupcake

    HI there! If you go to our Facebook page
    Then go to the left hand side toward the bottom and click on “fan photos”.
    There you are!

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