More Christmas Cupcakes
By medicinalcupcake on January 15th, 2010 . Filed under: Holidays, Photos .ATC Reader Colleen sent us these photos and email…
Here are some photos of my Christmas Cupcakes. 3 Flavors—Gingerbread, Lemon and chocolate.
I love your site and would love to see some ideas for Valentines cupcakes…..Thanks!
Awe! They are so cute! Thanks for sharing them with us! As for Valentine Cupcake ideas here are a few…
- Strawberry Sweetheart Cupcakes
- candy heart valentines cupcakes
- valentines day cupcakes
- Valentine Cupcakes
- Trio of Valentine Cupcakes
I am sure we will be posting even more Valentine Cupcakes soon!

January 15th, 2010 at 1:23 pm
I love this site! I love cupcakes.
Now, I’ve baked cupcakes before but…now I’m doing 100 cupcakes for a cupcake wedding cake. Do you have any tips? It’s a Saturday evening wedding and I’m trying to figure out how to frost the cupcakes and keep them fresh. Do I freeze them, take them out the day before and frost them?! I can’t find all that much information on it, to be honest.
I’m off to go check out and see if you’ve maybe already answered my question and enjoy the cupcake goodness!