Cupcake Catalog

By on November 17th, 2009 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Gifts, Holidays .

As I was picking up the mail yesterday I found one of  my Favorite Catalogs in my mail box, The Lakeside Collection . I love this catalog but I loved this one even more. The whole front cover is advertising all cupcake items!

This is what the cover looks like;


The 2 items that are on the front cover are these 2 items …


Hello, Cupcake Book



Cupcake Cake Pan

These are great gifts for all the aspiring cupcake bakers both young and old out there!


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10 Responses to Cupcake Catalog

  1. jessica

    please send me a catalog in the mail

  2. don pabros

    please send a catalog by mail

  3. Joyce Knobloch

    Please send catalog via mail.
    287 Clayton Aura Rd
    Glassboro, NJ 08028

    Thank you

  4. Odette lopez

    Please send a catalog by mail to the following address: 3 sur st. aa-7 Quintas de dorado
    Dorado, PR 00646

    Thank you

  5. Melissa Young

    Can you please send me a catalog via mail! Thank you! I can email a mailing address

  6. robin

    I would like a catalog so I can order everything cupcake stuff for my kichen. Robin smith, 225 Norman drive, livingston tx 77351.

  7. Regina Howrd

    Please send me a catalog.


    1014 NE 11th ave
    Gainesville, FL 32601

  8. Jade

    Can you please send me a catalog.

    I can E-mail a address.

  9. Carol Stanton

    Please send me a catalog
    I can email you my home address

  10. Amanda Grady

    Please mail me a catalog I will send you my home address.

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