2009 Halloween Cupcake Reader Submissions – Part 3

By on November 5th, 2009 . Filed under: Clothing, Crafts, Cupcake Ideas, Halloween, Holidays .

Some cupcakes do scare me: super dry cake with face crushingly sweet frosting. These dear readers find their own scary cupcakes.  One in a Tim Burton inspired creation, the second as the victim to those seeking her sweetness!

I am an avid follower of the website and I have a huge cupcake obsession that is constantly fueled by the amazing cupcakey goodness I find there! I live in the UK and cupcakes are not as celebrated here as I think they should be. So, with this in mind, I decided to make a personal homage to the cupcake with a Tim Burton-esque cupcake costume for Halloween! It is entirely handmade, from the purple glittery cherry on my head to the handmade bows on my shoes! This is my first attempt at a handmade costume and I was so proud of my efforts that I wanted to share them with All Things Cupcake and fellow cupcake fans.

I hope you like it!

Rebecca Fishwick

scary cupcake costume

So, not only do I have a cupcake tattoo (that you’ve featured) I went all out on a big cupcake costume for halloween.  At each bar I went to, the doormen were sending people to find me because they thought my costume was just so incredible.  Embarrassing and flattering, especially when I was wearing a laundry basket as the base of the cupcake. – Kelly from NY


Cutting Cupcake Costume

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3 Responses to 2009 Halloween Cupcake Reader Submissions – Part 3

  1. Sara

    Those are amazing homemade costumes!
    Kudos, so original :)

  2. cheyenne

    it is cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. buy toto toilets

    Every Jack has his Jill.

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