2009 Halloween Cupcake Reader Submissions – Part 2
By harrisonca on November 4th, 2009 . Filed under: Clothing, Crafts, Halloween, Holidays, Pets .It isn’t the materials that make a memorable costume,
it is the imagination and soul!
I got cupcake necklace & resin cupcakes at Etsy & glued to sunglasses. Made my hat myself out of styrofoam. I also make the dogs costumes myself also out of styrofoam & lampshades. The real looking cupcakes I made out of insulating foam in a can. – Lisa from Huntington Beach CA (more pics)
Thanks for the inspiration! I finally got to the fabric store and rigged up this cupcake costume for my adorable niece. There’s a pink headband with a cherry on top; we’ll see if she actually manages to keep that on for trick-or-treating. – Laura
Made from recycled materials, nothing was bought. enjoy :) – M.Peralta