Why are Cupcakes so Popular?

By on November 3rd, 2009 . Filed under: Interviews, Press .


This NPR discussion looks at why cupcakes and cupcake shops have become so popular.  The explanation is that we are in an economic bubble similar to what the coffee industry went through.  Cupcake shops like Magnolia, in NYC, started the trend that quickly caught on.  Now cupcake shops are popping up all over the country.  The good news is that according to the this discussion, cupcakes are still going strong and we can expect cupcake shops to continue opening up.

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5 Responses to Why are Cupcakes so Popular?

  1. Sammi

    YES! cupcakes are good!

  2. Darren Blair

    Not sure why they’re popular but do know where they are. This shows internet searches for cupcakes around the world since 2004 http://searchinsights.wordpress.com/2011/10/04/why-are-cupcakes-so-popular/

  3. fgsgdfjsd

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    u rockin those glasses

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