Cupcake Hunting Anyone?
By stayhomecupcake on October 22nd, 2009 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Decorating, Kids, Tips .I found myself feeling very stressed-out today so I did what I always do when I am feeling that way: I went cupcake hunting. One of my favorite places to go is one of my local Hallmark stores. I can always find something sweet that I would love to own. Even if I don’t buy everything I see, it cheers me up just to look at cupcakes. Here’s what I found today:
Hallmark had these for each month and at a very reasonable price of only $8 each.
I have several shops that I frequent just looking for cupcake items. Some of my favorites are Kohl’s, Pier 1, and Target. Cupcake bakeries can often double your pleasure. Many times you will not only find yummy cupcakes to eat, but they often have cupcake clothing and knick-knacks for sale. Online I can always find interesting things on Amazon, Etsy and Ebay.
On the way home from my hunt I got to thinking; I wonder where our ATC readers like to go cupcake hunting? Where do they find good cupcake stuff? So let’s hear from you! Click on the comment area below and let us know your hot spots!
October 23rd, 2009 at 10:36 am
I love Crate & Barrel. They have a cupcake cookie cutter, and other cupcake accessories. I also love searching Online… Tiffany&Co has a GORGEOUS cupcake charm that can ne paired with either a necklace or bracelet… :)
November 28th, 2009 at 12:13 am
Carters always has cute cupcake clothes for my daughter.
I also bought a huge cupcake art at Tjmaxx
walmart has clay cupcakes in all white so you can make it delicious with pretty paints