Cake versus Cupcake Contest
By harrisonca on October 1st, 2009 . Filed under: Announcements, Contests .The NY Cake Convention takes place January 2-5, 2010. Next year, why tell us so early? The premier contest in the NY Cake Convention this year is Cake VS Cupcake with a whopping grand prize of $2,500. The official site states:
- Decorated Cupcakes: Entries can be with made with actual cup cakes or Sty ro foam cup cakes deco rated with any sugar medium. At least twelve (12) cup cakes must be included in the dis play. Cup cake struc tures are allowed. Exhibit to fit within a base area of 46cm (18”).
- Novelty Cake: A regular shaped cake decorated in a novel fash ion with any sugar medium. Dummies or internal supports can be used. Exhibit to fit within a base area of 46cm (18″).
- First, second, and third place win ners in each cat e gory are then determined.
- The first place winner in each category will then be judged to determine the winner of the Cake vs. Cup cake competition.
Even if you are not a professional baker, there are SEVEN classes of competition you can enter depending on your experience levels from Youth/Teen all the way to Masters. With the competition a mere 3 months out, it is time to put on the brainstorming caps and represent the cupcake nation!
NY Cake Convention
January 2-5, 2010
Hotel Pennsylvania
401 Seventh Avenue (33rd Street)
New York, NY
Official Website
Full Contest List
Rules and Regulations

November 16th, 2009 at 9:48 am
how do you enter the convention?