Cake versus Cupcake Contest

By on October 1st, 2009 . Filed under: Announcements, Contests .


The NY Cake Convention takes place January 2-5, 2010.  Next year, why tell us so early?  The premier contest in the NY Cake Convention this year is Cake VS Cupcake with a whopping grand prize of $2,500.  The official site states:


  • Decorated Cupcakes: Entries can be with made with actual cup cakes or Sty ro foam cup cakes dec­o rated with any sugar medium. At least twelve (12) cup cakes must be included in the dis play. Cup cake struc tures are allowed. Exhibit to fit within a base area of 46cm (18”).
  • Novelty Cake: A regular shaped cake decorated in a novel fash ion with any sugar medium. Dum­mies or internal supports can be used. Exhibit to fit within a base area of 46cm (18″).
  • First, second, and third place win ners in each cat e gory are then determined.
  • The first place winner in each category will then be judged to determine the winner of the Cake vs. Cup cake competition.

Even if you are not a professional baker, there are SEVEN classes of competition you can enter depending on your experience levels from Youth/Teen all the way to Masters.  With the competition a mere 3 months out, it is time to put on the brainstorming caps and represent the cupcake nation!


NY Cake Convention

January 2-5, 2010

Hotel Pennsylvania
401 Seventh Avenue (33rd Street)
New York, NY

Official Website
Full Contest List
Rules and Regulations

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1 Response to Cake versus Cupcake Contest

  1. rashawna bullock

    how do you enter the convention?

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