Cupcake University

By on September 17th, 2009 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

cupcake u I wish there really was a Cupcake University, I would have to be enrolled.   This image is from the Cafe Press website which is unique in that you get to decide what product you want.  So you could get a hoodie, but you could also get a tote bag, sticker, or mug, all depending on what you are looking for.  And this is not the only cupcake  image available, just typing in “cupcake” into the search box, I came up with 3,420 available cupcake designs.  What I like about this design is that it reminds me of the Victoria Secret Pink line which is popular and uses the university theme.

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2 Responses to Cupcake University

  1. Nicole

    The university thing is sooooooooo cute

    please send it 2 me when u get a chance

    i love it so much becasue i love PINK!

  2. Shannon

    I luv nikki and cupcakes and pink the cupcake tatoos and the pillow is my fav

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