Cupcake Bouquet!

By on September 14th, 2009 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Holidays, Mail Order .

Want to give someone special something different Check out these Cupcake Bouquets at .


There is a cupcake bouquet for every season!Ā  I think i am going to send one to my cousin when she gives birth to her son! Yeah!

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4 Responses to Cupcake Bouquet!

  1. Kristi Harkin

    That is a fun fall cupcake set. What a fun idea!

  2. Avery Baltes

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  3. Sandie

    Good day, where would I be able to buy the plastic cupcake holders on sticks to make my centre piece for my daughters birthday?

  4. AJ

    Great idea! Where can I find the cupcake holders? am very crafty and love to bake. This will be for my daughter’s 1st birthday that’s coming.

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