Football Cupcakes – Helmet Sleeves

By on September 10th, 2009 . Filed under: Decorating, Party Items .

Traditionally, the overlap between football and cupcakes were minor.  Even the meaning of cupcake in football lingo is not the sweet and moist dessert we all crave.  Instead, it can be defined as:

to compete or win with little effort

An example would be this article title: Not all Big 12 teams have cupcakes on opening menu.  Many schools football teams usually schedule cupcakes at the beginning of the season to get the winning momentum rolling.

Football-themed cupcake accessories usually have usually been quite scarce, so ATC was happy to see football helmet sleeves that come in 14 colors to match your favorite school.  Seems perfect for school pride parades, game watching party, or birthday parties.

football cupcake sleeve

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2 Responses to Football Cupcakes – Helmet Sleeves

  1. Emily

    I’ve never seen these before. I’ll have to try these for a Superbowl party.

  2. Rose

    Where can I get these sleeves? They are so cool

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