Cupcake Bakery Weighs in on Health Care

By on July 31st, 2009 . Filed under: Announcements, Cupcakes for a cause, Interviews, News, Television .

Cupcake Royale

Who knew cupcakes have even made its way into the national health care debate? Oh the power of the simple cupcake.

Seattle’s Cupcake Royale owner, Jody Hall, has weighed in with her thoughts on the effect of rising health care costs on her small business.

… Hall says something has to be done about the expense of providing health coverage. She says her premiums have increased 20 percent in each of the past few years, and a couple of years ago, they went up 40 percent.

“It’s unsustainable to manage that kind of expense hike, so we are forced to cut our quality of coverage to make it more affordable, and that doesn’t do much for society,” she says.” A lot of small businesses are doing that or cutting insurance altogether.”

Additionally, Jody took part in a White House discussion and gave her perspective about the challenges of health care costs for small businesses.

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1 Response to Cupcake Bakery Weighs in on Health Care

  1. Hobosic

    Thank you! I would now go on this blog every day!
    Have a nice day

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