Following your Dreams

By on July 27th, 2009 . Filed under: Bakeries, Clothing, News .

A fairytale story may start and end as simply as this.

Boy meets Girl. Boy designs T-shirts. Girl designs wedding cakes.

They start a business and live happily ever after…in the middle of several thousand cupcakes and racks of custom-designed T-shirts.  (Full Article Here)

Except this story is true.  A tale of following your own dreams, taking a chance, and working on what you love the most.  Another inspirational true cupcake store story at the Huffington Post.

This store pairing concept seems to be gaining steam.  By sharing a retail storefront and marrying two individual retail concepts together, the owners can share space and share marketing power by attracting different spheres of audiences.

In the San Mateo, CA area, I saw a retail concept that married an eyeglass store with a frozen yogurt/dessert store.  It was refreshing and fun.  Have you seen other store pairings in your local area?

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