Cupcake Keds Shoes

By on July 16th, 2009 . Filed under: Clothing, Kids, Shoes .

Thanks to Libby for pointing these highly customizable cupcake kicks available at  With over a hundred designs of shoes to choose from, you are bound to find something suitable for a special occasion.  What blew my mind was that each shoe design can be personalized and customized.  You can choose your own personal colors for the stitching, midsole, lining, upper binding, insole binding, and more!  This is taking a step above other cupcake shoes.

Cupcake Keds

Cupcake ShoesCupcake Kicks

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6 Responses to Cupcake Keds Shoes

  1. mon

    I love it! I want some but don’t know which ones to chose, this could be a week long decision!

  2. Lizabeth A.

    This is awesome!!! I want all of them!

  3. Angelica Tovar

    where do i get these???????????????????? :O

  4. Sandy Alexander

    I would like to purchase one or two pair of shoes – how do I go about that – I would need them in a week.
    Thanks for the information.

  5. Juliette

    That is so cool!!!

  6. mia

    where can i get these?

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