Cupcake Wipes Case, Matching Burp Towel, & Diaper Pouch Giveaway

By on June 11th, 2009 . Filed under: Baby, Giveaways .


Baby Abby Creations is giving away a Sweet Cupcake Wipe Case, a matching burp towel, and a diaper pouch to one lucky winner!

What the winner will receive…

1- Sweet Cupcake Wipe Case, Matching Burp Towel, & Diaper Pouch

This Sweet Cupcake Wipe Case is a must have for cupcake fans. This is a travel size wipe case, that has been covered with Robert Kaufman cupcake fabric. The case is double padded on the top and single padded on the bottom, giving it that boutique feel. The bow includes a covered cherry button to top it off. All cases come supplied with 16 natural care huggies wipes.

Burp Towels are decorated with the matching fabric from the case.

The Diaper Pouch measures approximately 13 1/2 inches long with flap open and 6 1/2 inches wide. You can fit one travel size wipe case and 2 diapers minimum depending on the size you can fit more.

To enter this giveaway please visit Baby Abby Creations and then come back to ATC and leave a comment to this post telling us about what your favorite item that you saw on her site was. It’s that easy!

This giveaway is open to residents of USA and Canada. A winner will be chosen via on June 16th.

I would like to thank Baby Abby Creations for creating and donating the gorgeous prizes for this giveaway.

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72 Responses to Cupcake Wipes Case, Matching Burp Towel, & Diaper Pouch Giveaway

  1. Candace R

    I love the zebra wipe case and the cupcake one as well! Too cute! :)

  2. Cupcake Retro

    If you had a boy the cowboy themed items would work great.

  3. Minnie401

    The cupcake case is by far the cutest, but I also like the leopard/cheetah print one. I may have to get both!!

  4. JC

    I must say I love the Sweet Cupcake Wipe Case the best!

    itsonlyjc AT

  5. Lina

    Of course the Sweet Cupcakes Wipe Case is adorable, but I also really like her Super Cute Wipes Case. The fabric is great!

  6. Tristine

    Aside from the cupake stuff (too cute) I like the letter pillows.

  7. Kiley Smith

    I love the classy {zebra} wipes case! too cute! I need something to spruce up my diaper bag!

  8. Shannon

    I think the letter pillows are cute!

  9. Lael

    I like the blue/green paisley case cover with the little mock belt- very Vera Bradley-ish! Cute items!!!!

  10. CakeBelieve

    Hands down….CUPCAKES win!

  11. two parts sugar

    Cupcakes all the way…although there was a nice floral print in there too.

  12. Mandibee

    I love the floral case so much.
    This case is adorable too.

  13. Christina Livingston

    The Sweet Cupcake wipes case is ADORABLE! I want one for my daughter – here’s hoping! Other than that I like the use of the ribbon on the cases. Very nice choices in color and style.

  14. Kendahl

    Just wanted to stop by and let you know I nominated you for an award on my blog. :)

  15. Katie

    I really like the cupcake wipe case the best, but the “Super Cute wipe case” is funky cool too!

  16. Jennifer

    The diaper pouch (with cupcakes, of course!) is perfect for my sister-in-law!

  17. Erica.J

    I’d love to win this. I’m entering this contest. Thanks : ))

  18. Erica.J

    My favorite is the Classy Wipe cases/clutches and
    Pretty Floral Wipes Case

  19. Laura D

    i loved the Strawberry Shortcake Wipes Case. :)

  20. Amber

    I love the zebra one.. and cupcake of course. its nice that carrying wipes can look so trendy!

  21. Melissa Taylor

    Super cute!!!!!!

  22. Kari

    I (of course) like the cupcake case, but I love the classy pink zebra wipes case!

  23. Tristi

    I love the cupcake case, but I also looove pretty floral wipes case!

  24. Erica

    The cupcake case would be my first choice, but I also love the Dark Green Floral Wipe Case

  25. Tanya

    My favorite, aside from all the cupcake stuff, is the floral case. It’s classy, and beautiful.

  26. Kathryn

    Of course the cupcake set is my favorite! But, in a close 2nd I do like the zebra print too!

  27. ashley

    i love the cupcake diaper wipe case!!!

  28. Naike Ramirez

    aghh everything is so cute! :) But I have thing for frogs, so I’m going to have to go for the grren/blue frog wipecase

  29. Danielle

    I love the zebra stripe case with the hot pink ribbon!

  30. Jillian

    The cupcake case is my all time FAVORITE but I love the mermaid one too. Heck, who am I kidding….I love them alllll!

  31. Jess W.

    The cupcakes would be my #1 because we call our daughter “Cuppycakes”! But I also love the cute striped case!

  32. rene M

    i really like the monkey fabric that would make an awesome case!!!

  33. steffanie t

    i love the cowboy theme, the are super cute….the cupcake ones are adorable too!!!!!!!!

  34. Kristen

    The Mermaid print wipe clutch is adorable and such a unique print. I would love to have mermaid print baby stuff!

  35. Velma

    The letter pillows are my favorite thing on there! Adorable.

  36. Sara

    The Dark Green Floral Wipe Case is super cute as well!

  37. Rebecca

    Love all the items but especially the little girl purses and the colors a so bright and perfect for the summer.
    Thanks for sharing.

  38. Melissa S.

    the leopard monogrammed case gets my vote… so stylish.. love the cupcake print case too.

  39. Sonya W.

    I love the sweet cupcakes wipe case. I am really wanting to do a cupcake theme for my baby girls room.

  40. Mrs YuMMie

    I love the sweet cupcake wipe case!

  41. jocelyn

    super cute!

    i love the letter pillows! very creative.


  42. Brittany C

    I love the zebra print ones!

  43. Nicole W

    Hands down, the Sweet Cupcakes!

  44. Kymber

    I loved all of her wipe cases! The cupcake ones are adorable of course but I’m pretty sure I’m having a boy and I love the whole cowboy thing so that one was probably my favorite!!

  45. Britnee

    my favorite is the cupcake ones i love them they are my favorite but everything you make is amazing

  46. Heather Pregony

    I loved so many! My favorite, I think is the little girls purses. I like the pink polk-a-dot one with the green feathers. I think that one is just precious! But like I said, all of them are just great!

  47. Madelinem

    i love love love the sweet cupcakes!!! and also the pink camo.

  48. Dipti

    Since I’m obsessed with pink and chocolate, the letter pillows really caught my eye! Really cute!

  49. Bree

    I love the zebra print wipe case !

  50. Rachel

    The Cupcake one is by dar the best!

  51. Jennifer Jordan

    Loved the leopard bling wipe case!! But the cupcake is my absolute fav! lol

  52. Diana G

    I have to say, I love the cupcake case. It is really my favorite but if I would have to select another it would be Blue/ Green Frog Wipes case…it’s suttle and cute

  53. mystere

    i like the cupcake one!!

  54. Savannah Q.

    It’s a tie between the floral and cupcake one!!

  55. MomsArt

    Oh, the Handmade Tote Bag/with Feathers is my fave…can’t go wrong with a feather boa!

  56. amanda

    i loved the mermaid baby wipe holder and the zebra one!

  57. Brittany G

    very cute i love everything cupcake!

  58. Alexis

    The wipes cases are really creative!

  59. Lindsay

    My vote goes to the class wipe container in ACU print!

  60. Elizabeth

    The butterfly bag and of course this set in the giveaway. :)

  61. LaRisa

    I like the pretty floral wipe case.

  62. Tara

    My favorites were the mermaid print wipe case & the little girl purse with the feather trim.

  63. Jennifer Jordan

    I love the cupcake wipe case!

  64. Mary Norman

    Need you ask!!!! The cupcakes of course. But wow, I also like the striped and the camo, oooooo they are all so cute. My friend will be going ape over this!!!!!

  65. Bridget

    I like the cupcake case but the leopard one is adorable too!

  66. shanshea

    Monogrammed Wipe Cases! how great!

  67. GreenEyedLillies

    Congrats to comment # 62 Tara! You won! I will be contacting you soon!

  68. Melissap

    I like the cupcake wipe case.

  69. Amelia

    I love the zebra changing pad but the cupcake fabric is cute!

  70. Siena

    It looks so easy to be a styling mama with all those adorable boutique quality wipe cases and burpies at baby Abby Creations. The concept of the ‘butterfly’ burp cloth design is too cute to handle!

  71. Jenna

    Totally creative! I love the brown with blue polka dots and trim too cute! =]

  72. Curt Rolff

    Great! Now what IS that most efficient speed?

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