Seattle Style’s Perfect 10 – Cupcakes
By GreenEyedLillies on June 4th, 2009 . Filed under: Bakeries, Press, Wedding .Cupcake photos represented on this post are from the website of Cupcake Royale
“Welcome to Seattle Style’s Perfect 10, where we pick a topic and bring you what we feel are the top 10 from that category … be it make-up for your wedding day, wedding resource books, or best places to honeymoon! You’ll find it here on Seattle Style’s Perfect 10!
Today’s perfect 10 tastes AMAZING! Seattle Style is giving their tastebuds a little party with … CUPCAKES!!! … Plus, if you know our Senior Editor, Heather, then you know she’s OBSESSED with cupcakes :) We’ve done our research and believe that we have the 10 yummiest cupcakes in the Seattle area. So, get ready to be pretty hungry as you read our Perfect 10 Cupcakes post! Also, keep in mind that our Perfect 10 posts are not in any certain order … we love all our Perfect 10 Cupcakes equally and for different reasons :)”
Read the rest of the article here.

June 25th, 2009 at 9:40 am
I tried to make these and couldn’t find the pink marshmellows ANYWHERE!!! We live in Detroit metro area, looked at Kroger, WalMart, Target…