MallowDrama’s May Newsletter

By on May 23rd, 2009 . Filed under: Bakeries .

MallowDrama’s May Newsletter


Please note: we are no longer selling cupcakes at Dinner Zen.

So that you can still enjoy a tasty bite of  cake, we are pleased to announce the  following offerings:

-free delivery within Reston, VA for  orders of 1 dozen or more cupcakes  (available Monday-Friday, 10 AM-6 PM, Saturday 10 AM-12 PM, 48 hours’ notice requested, call for availability)

mini MallowDrama cupcakes for sale at At Play Cafe in Hunters Woods Village Center in Reston, VA (including Secret Garden — our vegan carrot cake — and more)

new minimum order – now just 6 cupcakes if you’re choosing the flavor of the day (other flavors are available for a minimum of 1 dozen cupcakes per flavor)

Please visit MallowDrama for more information.

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