Cupcake Eating Competition

By on May 21st, 2009 . Filed under: Contests, News .

Long touted as one of America’s healthiest and fittest cities, Boulder on Saturday will instead play host to a World League of Competitive Eating-sanctioned face-stuffing extravaganza: the inaugural Cupcake Cram at Tee & Cakes, 1932 14th St.

Four local eaters will face off against 24-time world champ Dale “Mouth of the South” Boone to see who can inhale the most cupcakes in 10 minutes.

The funny Colorado Daily article states that the cupcake shop will be preparing 200 cupcakes for the event.  By my calculations, that means 40 cupcakes per contestant.  Since this is a 10 minute event, this comes out to cupcake every 15 seconds.  Impressive and scary at the same time.

Now if they had a cupcake Enjoyment championship, I could have a chance to compete.  I have no problem enjoying a cupcake slowly.

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3 Responses to Cupcake Eating Competition

  1. Krista

    I can’t wait to see this!! I hope someone posts some video coverage :P

  2. CakeSpy

    We’ll make them fatties yet! Yay for buttercream!

  3. All Things Cupcake - #1 Cupcake Site, Updated Daily - All Things Cupcake Related. Birthday Ideas, Vegan Cupcakes, Cupcake Accessories, Cupcake Artwork, Cupcake Tattoos & More! » Blog Archive » Results from Cupcake Eating Contest

    […] Cupcake Cram took place this weekend in Boulder Colorado.  Two contestants tied with 34 cupcakes eaten in 10 […]

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