DIY Cupcake Boxes
By harrisonca on May 3rd, 2009 . Filed under: Artwork, Crafts, Cupcake Ideas .With Mother’s day around the corner, here is an excellent DIY suggestion from Theresa Wong at As delectable as these cupcake boxes may seem, they are in fact not edible. They are merely paper mache containers for little treasures hidden inside of them!
All of the materials (ingredients) needed can be found at your local crafts store. Click here for step by step DIY instructions.
As with any other english speaking country, the english language may be the same, but the terminology may be different. Below are some terms that I had to scratch my head a little to figure out:
Foam fruit net = foam net that protects fruit
Paper cake cases = paper cupcake liners
Patty tin = muffin tin

May 4th, 2009 at 12:16 am
Those are too sweet!
Thanks for sharing! XOXO
May 4th, 2009 at 10:29 am
Those are adorable!