Cupcake Camp Ottawa Results
By harrisonca on April 29th, 2009 . Filed under: Contests, Cupcakes for a cause .Just got word of a recent contest up in our northerly neighbor Canada. Cupcake Camp Ottawa is a cupcake contest that involved 3400 cupcakes, almost 100 bakers, 30 volunteers, and nearly 500 tasters we reached our goal of $2000 for Woman Alive!!
Some amazing photos of the event captured by Anna Hakim Photography.
Contest results below:
Best in Show ~ “Red Velvet Purse” by Michelle Morrison!!
Best Chocolate ~ “Before 9 Minipops” by L’Oven!!
Best Decorated ~ The “Oreo Sunrise” by Kristen LaFrance!!
Most Unique ~ “Irish Car Bomb” by Anne Patenaude!!
Honourable Mention for tastiness ~ “Lemony Lemon” by Colleen Forer!!