Cupcakes spotted at Wegmans

By on April 3rd, 2009 . Filed under: Home Decor, Kitchen .



We received these photos and email from Itzi…

Hi my name is Itzi and i really like your blog , because i love the cupcake too , so i went to the store “Wegmans” and i found this:
The prices are from: 17.99 to 3.99.

Thanks for the cupcake finds!

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7 Responses to Cupcakes spotted at Wegmans

  1. Angie

    So cute! Unfortunately no Wegmans anywhere near me :(

  2. Angela

    I am in love with Wegmans!! When I visit my sister we always try to make it there, she’s in New York. Cupcakes make them even more phenomenal!!!

  3. Itzi Ponce

    Hi i love this cupcakes mug
    I really like your blog Thank You :)

  4. Ashley

    Who is the maker? Oh, I must get my hands on them!

  5. Sandy

    I LOVE all this cupcake kitchen decor. I have never heard of this store Wegmans, none where I live. Does anyone know the maker or where else to Find all these wonderful things?

  6. Sandy

    Its me again. I have looked all over the internet for this.Does anyone out there know who the maker is. PLEASE let me know.

  7. Ashley

    I’ve been asking friends from around the US as well and no one has been able to find them! Any ideas?

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