Kohl’s Princess Cupcake Purse

By on March 8th, 2009 . Filed under: Accessories, Kids .


Kohl’s Princess Cupcake Purse

ATC Reader Tristine sent us this photo and email…

I found this at Kohl’s for my daughter for Valentine’s Day.  It is so pretty and pink and incorporates two of her favorite things: princesses and cupcakes!  It has one large pocket and two small pockets for stashing all her little girl trinkets.  The price tag said $17.00 but was on sale for $11.00.  

Thanks for the heads up Tristine. It’s adorable!

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2 Responses to Kohl’s Princess Cupcake Purse

  1. Jaelyn

    I was at Disneyland yesterday and saw the cutest Tinkerbell bag with cupcakes on it…

  2. Heaven

    I went to khols today and purchased this. I live in Arizona and it was on sale for 10 dollars :-)

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