New Cupcake Liners This Spring Announced here first on ATC!

By on March 3rd, 2009 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

Lots of excitement a flutter as we clear shelves for another line of cupcake liners! Our Sweet Cuppin Cakes Bakery and Cupcakery Supplies webstore is now carrying 4 lines of cupcake liners WOW! In the beginning I had trouble finding brown!! I am putting them up here first for 2 reasons:

1) All of the ATC readers need to know about these first and

2) They are included in the $50.00 giveaway from Our store in combination with ATC!

So as they say … A picture is worth a 1000 words.

Hot pink Polkas


Black Polkas



Green Polkas                                                                                  High Tea Blue

The Polkas will also be arriving in orange,

red and purple.

We will also be carrying the new paper folded tulip cups you use in your

cupcake pans. Starting with pinks and brown.

orange-dot1 We can hardly wait to get these out to you so please enter our wonderful contest!

Another big thanks to Jess!

Houndstooth houndstooth-black

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1 Response to New Cupcake Liners This Spring Announced here first on ATC!

  1. Molly

    Those are incredible! I love the high tea blue and houndstooth the best! :D

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