Orange County Fair – Deep Fried Food Adventure

By on February 24th, 2009 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

Deep fried cupcake. No batter. Frosting applied after frying. Not bad.

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5 Responses to Orange County Fair – Deep Fried Food Adventure

  1. Cupcake Activist

    I tried one of these at the OC Fair and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it! I can’t wait until the Fair comes around again so I can eat another one. Although, it’s a good thing that the Fair only comes around once a year because deep-fried cupcakes are not good for your health.

  2. Hillary

    Hello. I just wanted to say I love keeping up with your blog! Excellent finds.
    As for Deep Fried cupcakes, about time! Every year at the Texas State Fair I look forward to something like this. Last year Cookie Dough, Chocolate Truffles, and Cheesecake, Twinkies, and Oreos won the Deep Fried sugar-overdose awards. Ugh…

  3. Heartburn Home Remedy

    I can tell that this is not the first time at all that you write about this topic. Why have you decided to write about it again?

  4. Deep Fried Cupcakes | All Things Cupcake

    […] year we shared with you Deep Fried Cupcakes from the Orange County Fair.  Kick Ass Cupcakes in Somerville, MA tweeted Friday that they have deep fried cupcakes on their […]

  5. jphdddih

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