Looking for these? Espresso cupcake liners are back! And near black!
By Lyns on February 16th, 2009 . Filed under: Contests, Cupcake Ideas, Decorating, Free, Kitchen .I decided to post these on here as I have received so many requests to confirm that I do have them in stock. YES ! We carry the ever so desired dark dark espresso liners again. Here is a peek at them (below) … then you can visit Sweet Cuppin Cakes Bakery for more details. It is so much fun to unveil one of my best kept secrets to cupcake bakers as there is just an unexplainable excitement that occurs. I should also detail to you that they are indeed one of the supplies in the $50.00 giveaway from my shoppe. <3
On March 15th Jess will be sure to contact the winner, because we love to give stuff away, so please make sure there is a way to contact you in your comments! Don’t forget to enter … It’s so EASY!

February 17th, 2009 at 12:42 pm
Love it! These are the best!
February 17th, 2009 at 6:26 pm
Thank you =o)