Where to buy the Cupcake Speakers!! Hurry!!

By on February 12th, 2009 . Filed under: Accessories, Electronics, Favorites .

We love those cupcake speakers. We really do. People have been sending us emails left and right asking us… “WHERE DO I BUY THEM!??!?” and well folks, I’ve found them on ebay.. only 5 left.. there were 6 but.. I BOUGHT A PAIR! Okay.. they are from a company called SEMK but they are a foreign company and don’t sell to the USA.. so apparently, someone got their hands on some and are now selling them on ebay. What a sweet deal!

They are about 40 bucks with shipping and totally worth it.

Buy yours today, before you can never find them online anymore.. trust me, it took us a year to find them!

Click here: Ebay Listing

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6 Responses to Where to buy the Cupcake Speakers!! Hurry!!

  1. stephanie

    i’ve been looking for the last year tooooo!

  2. Sharon

    Hi, I’m thinking of stocking these speakers on my website… They will be approx $30 AUD ($20 US) plus $22 AUD ($14 US) for postage to the US… Let me know if anyone is keen :)



  3. Anne

    I got mine last year as a gift and they’re very cute. They were really difficult to track down in the UK as well!!

  4. Heather

    I just ordereed them from this website since ebay is sold out and i can’t wait. shipping was 21 since coming from australia and the speakers are 29 so it is roughly 50 bucks but who cares!!!! yayyyyyyy! enjoy!

  5. Heather

    OMG!!!! I just did the currency conversion and 50 in Australia is only 31 US dollars! Woo hoo! Even better!

  6. Sharmaine

    Is anyone selling this at the moment? Desperately want to get my hands on them! Kindly email me if anyone of you know where to get them, will rlly appreciate it! (:

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