By on February 12th, 2009 . Filed under: Accessories, Kitchen, Mail Order, Party Items .

gogo-cupcakeGO GO CUPCASE
For cupcakes and muffins on the GO! Specially designed to hold cupcake in place – protects frostings and toppings. 2 per pack

$8.99  AT Range Kleen I know my son would think it awesome to get that in his lunch!

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3 Responses to GO~GO CUP CASE

  1. kathryn


  2. Jennifer

    My mother-in-law gave me a couple of these for Christmas…they are so cute! I like to leave them out on display, just because of their cuteness.

  3. Kelly

    What a great idea! I saw you can buy packs of 6 on their site. So I am giving them out as favors for a party!!!

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