Be a part of All Things Cupcake
By cupcake girl on February 8th, 2009 . Filed under: Announcements .The time has come for me to ask for a little bit of help with the site :) This month alone, our stats have tripled and although, I’m not sure why… I have no complaints :) All Things Cupcake is looking for a few contributors to write about… CUPCAKES. If you want more information on this, send us an e-mail at
Before you send an e-mail, please read a few requirements:
1) You must be familiar with blogging, linking, and posting.
2) We would love if you could post once a day, although we aren’t objecting to more than that.
3) This is an unpaid opportunity and is quite fun. You will however, be allowed to participate in reviews (receiving cupcake products for review, etc).
4) We will forward you submissions that others have sent in, regarding their cupcake product/site/recipe for you to post.. We do not expect you to go out searching for your own things to publish although we don’t mind if you do that.
If you are interested, feel free to write us an e-mail.