Cupcake Help!

By on January 2nd, 2009 . Filed under: Cupcake Help! .

We received this e-mail from Theresa who has a question…

I recently received a “Giant Cupcake silicone pan” for Christmas and there were no baking instructions inside.  I was wondering if you could tell me where I can find baking instructions.  I would appreciate your help.

Please leave a comment if you have any answers or solutions.

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3 Responses to Cupcake Help!

  1. marissa

    I got the same pan for Christmas! I haven’t used it yet, but the advice I got was to bake it like you’re baking a cake in 2 pans. I did get a heads up that one of the sides bakes faster than the other, so be careful of that. I think the pan is sold on the website, and there are reviews/advice on there. I hope that helps!

  2. christina

    You need two batters of cake mix, as if you are baking 2 separate cakes. The Wilton giant cupcake pan holds a lot of mix. Fill the base of the cupcake about 3/4 full and the top of it nearly the same. It rises a lot so after it’s done baking, I usually flatten the top of the base by cutting it just a little so the top of the cupcake can rest flatly on it. Bake it at about 350 or so, but it does take awhile so be aware of that. Just keep checking the base of it as it bakes, because that part does take longer to cook. The top may look like it’s getting burned, but mine always tastes fine. Good luck!

  3. Theresa

    Thank you guys for the suggestions. I was able to make my first cake. It came out pretty good!

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