Hey Cupcake! in Austin, TX
By GreenEyedLillies on November 8th, 2008 . Filed under: Bakeries .ATC Reader Ashley sent us this email and photo…
“I stumbled across your blog today for the first time (SO cute!), and
wanted to tell you about a place my husband and I visit every time we
go to Austin… It’s called hey cupcake! and they sell cupcakes and
milk until they run out! We like to grab an early dinner, have a
couple drinks and head over for a cupcake and some milk on our way
home when we get to visit Austin. It’s FABULOUS!”
Please visit Hey Cupcake for location and more information.
November 8th, 2008 at 10:29 pm
Aww, I love this place too !
I make sure everytime I go to South Congess I get some yummy cupcakes in my tummy !
I always make sure to take some home too … hehe :)