Interview with Kimi of Megan Hearts Baking
By GreenEyedLillies on November 5th, 2008 . Filed under: Books, Holidays, Interviews, Valentines Day .I recently did my first ATC interview with Kimi of “Megan Hearts Baking”.
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself? (Name, location, occupation etc):
I live in Long Beach, CA with my husband, Steve (recently married….one month ago exactly!)
– How exciting! Congrats on your one month anniversary!
2. How popular are cupcakes in California?
They are found everywhere: birthday parties, holiday functions, work potlucks, cooking shows, block parties, etc. They are enjoyed by people of all ages! I even had cupcakes as the dessert at my wedding last month :) Red Velvet are the best!
– So true! Nothing beats a great Red Velvet Cupcake!
3. When did you start working on the Megan Hearts Baking book?
We have been working on this book for over a year.
4. How did you come up with the idea for the book?
Megan Fate (the real MEGAN who the book is writen about) is someone I admire and cherish! She is someone who models selflessness, acts with humility, pursues joy, and bleeds passion. She lives life to its fullest, loving adventure, learning from mistakes, and empowering others to pursue their dreams and goals. One night, during a high school youth event, I looked at my sister and said, “Wow! Megan lives a compelling life! She walks in confidence, never afraid to be herself! If more girls were like Megan, we’d have a different type of community here in Long Beach.” At that moment, I ran up to Megan and told her “I’m writing a book and you’re the main character.” Within an hour, I had the entire book series figured out….with a list of adventures I couldn’t wait for Megan to share with readers!
*********Also, Baking is an important activity for young girls to learn because it creates community, allows for creativity, and builds a sense of accomplishment. Baking is something girls can tangible do at any age….an activity they can participate in with the help of their family and friends. We serve one another (look beyond just our personal needs) with baking….birthday and wedding cakes, Christmas cookies, get-well banana bread, heart shaped Valentine candies, etc. With baking comes mathematics, detail orientation, patience, endurance….which results in a sense of accomplishment. Everytime we try something new, we get to know ourselves better. We figure out what we like and don’t like, what we are scared of and what is comfortable, and what we want to pursue. Megan Hearts addresses mistakes and the fact that they WILL happen (they are inevitable). There is personal growth and development through mistakes…that is if, as my dad puts it, “we always get up everytime we fall.”
5. What advice would you give a writer who wanted to start writing their own book?
First of all, dream big! If you want to write a book….write a book! Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Secondly, make sure you study up and research the subject or theme you want to talk about. Third, enjoy the subject you want to write about!
6. How often do you eat cupcakes?
I usually eat about two a month.
7. What is your earliest cupcake memory?
For my sixth birthday, my mom made fun-fetti cupcakes with pink frosting:) DELICIOUS:)
8. What does the future hold for Megan Hearts Baking?
Megan Hearts Baking is the first book in the Megan Hearts Series:) Each book will introduce/educate young girls on different hobbies, sports, etc. The second book is Megan Hearts Guitar.
– I can not wait to read the next book in the series! Thank you Kimi for the sneak peak of “Megan Hearts Baking”, and letting me do this interview with you.
Kimi was kind enough to give me a sneak peak at her new book “Megan Hearts Baking”.
It will be the first in a series of Megan Hearts books which is aimed at girls 5 – 9 years of age to encourage them the explore new hobbies (obviously one is baking) and making goals.
This first Megan Hearts book introduces us to Megan and her , I guess you could call it – dilemma – Megan has a birthday party to go to and wants to bring her favorite treat – cupcakes! (She’s not alone there with the cupcakes). But her last go at baking adventure didn’t go so well…leaving her fearful to step foot in the kitchen again.
Megan and her mom learn how to bake cupcakes together – from finding a recipe, making a shopping list, learning kitchen safety, understanding measuring utensils, decorating the cupcakes, and sharing the tasty treats with friends and family. Megan gains confidence by learning from her mistakes…experiences joy as she discovers her own strengths and abilities…and develops a love for the sweetest treat of all – learning!
At the end of the book are biographies of real people that have used their passion for baking to open cupcake shops around the United States. The following cupcake shops: Magnolia Bakery (New York City), Sprinkles (Texas), Sugarbliss (Chicago), Cake and Art (West Hollywood), Stef from Cupcake Project (she has her fingers in everything these days!), and Frosted Cupcakery (Long Beach, CA) are the business that were interviewed and given a full page biography. The reason for these bios are to empower and inspire young girls to dream big!
I read the book with my 6 year old daughter Kinley and we both loved it! It was beautifully illustrated. Kinley related herself to Megan throughout the book. I think that this is a must read for every school age girl. The message Kinley got from “Megan Hearts Baking” was to never give up.
The book will be available from Thanksgiving on the Megan Hearts site as well as Amazon.

November 5th, 2008 at 11:52 am
Great Interview! Love it.
November 5th, 2008 at 1:40 pm
Great interview! I’m so excited about the book coming out!
February 13th, 2009 at 5:35 pm
[…] There’s also an interview with Kimi Fate Gross at All Things Cupcake. […]