Angel’s Cupcake Tattoo
By GreenEyedLillies on October 22nd, 2008 . Filed under: Tattoos .Angel’s Cupcake Tattoo by Cathy and she’s at Kevin’s Kustom Tattoos (in Johannesburg, South Africa).
Angel sent us this email…
I’m a big fan of “all things cupcake”, and a few weeks ago got myself a cupcake tattoo!!!! I researched it for months and designed two different ones before I settled on the one I got. Several of the tattoos on your page inspired my design.
I bake cupcakes almost every weekend and I’m always experimenting with different recipes (you can see some of them here: angel’s mind (cupcake tag) and some more here angel’s photos (cupcake tag)… I just need to remember to photograph them all!!!
I love visiting ATC for ideas and to drool over all the cupcake goodies… I now also have a cupcake apron for when I bake!!!
Thanks Angel! We love your tattoo! :)

October 29th, 2008 at 11:44 pm
cool tattoo!
March 29th, 2009 at 4:55 pm
im thinking about gettin a cupcake tattoo i thought it would be neet because im a baker and i love cupcakes but i didnt think there were so many othrer people with cup cake tattoos anywways i luv yours its cute
September 24th, 2009 at 2:02 pm
Thank you JO and rebecca!
I was also surprised at how many people have cupcake tattoos, and yet my tattoo artist had never done one before.