Cupcakes from Indonesia

By on October 16th, 2008 . Filed under: Decorating, Photos .

Bonita wanted to share her chocolate cupcakes :) She is from Jakarta Indonesia … she loveees baking … and she’s deeply in love with CUPCAKES. Enjoy her cupcakes!!!

Thanks for sharing your cupcakes with us. They look awesome!

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5 Responses to Cupcakes from Indonesia

  1. Lyns

    Those cupcakes are quite pretty I always thought thought cups would look horrid Actually they are quite full of potential … Very lovely

  2. Lyns

    Those cupcakes are quite pretty I always thought Those cups would look horrid, Actually they are quite full of potential … Very lovely

  3. bonita

    thank u so much lyns.. all things cupcake :)… i love the papercup better than this cup thou,,, :)

  4. nawwaf

    this is Nawwaf from the city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia I am very interesting with your job and I would like to deal with in my bussineess
    please let me know wat do you think
    Kind regards

  5. nawwaf

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