Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Cupcake Clip Art

By on October 6th, 2008 . Filed under: Artwork, Cupcakes for a cause .

Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Cupcake Clip Art

Tricia has created this clip-art design for all of you. Use them on your web-site, in notes, however you wish, to show support to all woman, our sisters, mothers, aunts, friends and neighbors. Tricia hopes this gift lifts your spirits.

Please visit Tricia-Rennea to see all of her other Think Pink designs.

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5 Responses to Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Cupcake Clip Art

  1. Leesa

    Thanks Tricia!!

    I lost my beloved mom to breast cancer three years ago this Nov… She would have LOVED this!!! Merci beaucoup, Leesa

  2. Janiece

    I just love you BCA clip art.I hope you don’t mind if I use the picture of the cupcake on an invitations for a gathering I’m having.

  3. Chanda

    I LOVE this picture. I work with Relay For Life, which is the American Cancer Society’s biggest fundraiser, and if it is ok with you, I would LOVE to use this picture on some of our cancer fact signs and to put on our invitations to our survivor reception!

  4. Veronica

    Thank you so much for this clip art. I am using it on my team page for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Brooklyn, NY!

  5. Chester Reiten

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