Cupcake Things That We Want to See!

By on September 29th, 2008 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

I have seen almost everything you can imagine that is cupcake themed. There are a few things that I would love to see…

  • Cupcake Themed Baby Things – Strollers, high chairs, playpens, etc.
  • Cupcake Halloween Costumes – Ready made ones!

Are there some Cupcake Things that you want to see? Please share them with us!

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6 Responses to Cupcake Things That We Want to See!

  1. Joan

    A cupcake magazine that comes out monthly.

  2. C

    I mostly like photos of cupcakes and displays to get ideas for my own. I also like recipes. Not to say I don’t like it all because I SO do!

  3. Julie V.

    Cupcake eyeglass and sunglass frames

  4. Dipti

    Here are some cupcake baby clothing items:

  5. gina

    cupcake wallpaper- for an accent wall?!!

  6. brookelynn

    a cupcake computer bag!! for my 17″ computer

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