Kid’s Cupcake Costume

By on September 4th, 2008 . Filed under: Crafts, Holidays, Kids .

If you’re anything like me, early September is prime “what are we all going to be for Halloween” brainstorming time. Last year I was convinced we would make an amazing version of The Munsters. Me as Lily, my husband is a perfect Herman and if anyone was ever Eddie Munster it’s my son. That never quite panned out, Teno ended up being “baby billionaire” and Tony and I were lucky we managed to get dressed in the morning. So I think my dream of following previously posted advice about making my own cupcake costume is well… pretty much unrealistic. I know we have a lot of crafty mama readers, though, and you’re exactly who I thought of when I saw these instructions on Wondertime for making a kid’s cupcake costume. So gather up your materials and get to work! I want to see done damn adorable photos come Halloween!

You’ll need:

  • 2 wire wreath forms (1 large, with a diameter similar to a bushel basket, and 1 small, just big enough to fit over your child’s head)
  • Bailing wire (available at most hardware stores)
  • Wire snips
  • 2 yards fluffy white fabric
  • 2 yards of 1-inch-wide elastic (for the “frosting” and suspenders to hold up bottom of cupcake)
  • Newspaper
  • Pastel-colored felt squares (for making confetti dots)
  • Bushel basket
  • 2 yards brown fabric
  • 1 yard white felt (or ribbed white material)
  • White stocking or knit hat
  • White tights and shoes
  • Cardboard paper-towel roll
  • Red and yellow felt squares (for making candle and flame)

Now go check out the article for the instructions!

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4 Responses to Kid’s Cupcake Costume

  1. yasmine

    i want to get a girl gourmet cup cake maker but i need to know why the ones online are $30 and the ones at the shops are $60

  2. yasmine

    i want to get a girl gourmet cup cake maker but how come the ones online are $30 and the ones at the shops are $60

  3. shelly

    can you buy these costumes anywhere

  4. Chandra

    Can I please purchase a cupcake costume for a 10 month old?

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