Original Strawberry Cupcake Painting

By on July 3rd, 2008 . Filed under: Artwork .

Original Strawberry Cupcake Painting

Original Strawberry Cupcake Painting $25.00

This little cupcake is topped with creamy pink strawberry frosting and a bright blue cake. Sprinkles and cherry on top! Oops, some sprinkles spilled! Soft yellowy orange background and purple midground.

Perfect for a birthday gift, baby shower gift, or a gift for yourself. Would look great in a kitchen, bedroom, or kid’s room. Adds a bright, colorful, cute and kitschy touch anywhere you hang it.

Available at Cupcake Manor. Check it out! They have lots of different cupcake paintings!

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1 Response to Original Strawberry Cupcake Painting

  1. Hannah Ewing

    Hi, I was wondering. I was looking online for canvas photos of cupcakes very similar to the one above labeled Original Strawberry Cupcake Painting. I went on to the new site because the site that is directing you to go to is shut down or something. Anyways sorry for rambling, but I was looking for this painting and I can not find it. Is there any way that you would be able to direct me to where I could get a painting like this. I know that there is a painting kind of like this one, but its not the same color I was looking for one that includes pinks and purples because of the color of my room. So, if there was any way this painting is still available anywhere that would be great. Thanks!

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