Chocolate Mousse Cakes, Cupcakes??
By cupcake girl on July 3rd, 2008 . Filed under: Other .Our sidebars are FULL of information, links to other cupcake related sites, our favorite things, and of course, our yummy food buzz sponsor. We don’t have those google banners on there for no reason, they send us to some delicious cupcake related sites!!! Like this one: Dean & DeLuca Chocolate Mousse Cakes .
Now.. these look like cupcakes to me. Could these be considered cupcakes? Whatever they are, they look amazing.
Six individual bittersweet chocolate mousse cakes are flavored with Grand Marnier, wrapped in chocolate bark and topped with a gold-dusted chocolate leaf. Serve with fresh raspberries, caramelized pear slices, or thyme-flavored whipped cream (thyme and chocolate are a surprisingly satisfying combo). Kosher.