Halloween Cupcake Costume!

By on June 17th, 2008 . Filed under: Other, Party Items .

Sent in from Meredith.


“I always bake cupcakes for co workers b-days and have become known as the cupcake Queen here at work so 2 years ago I made a cupcake costume for Halloween. Attaching it now, just thought I would share. Love your site.

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7 Responses to Halloween Cupcake Costume!

  1. Mox Rogers

    That is awesome.

  2. stace

    How cool! What did you make the cupcake liner from? I’m want to make one for my daughter for halloween too! Thank you.

  3. Paige W

    OMG, I LOVE THIS!!!! We dress up for Halloween at the cafe that I work at; this would be perfect! =)

  4. Delaina

    Meredith – send in how you did that. I know someone who would LOVE to wear that for Halloween.


  5. How to make the Halloween Cupcake Costume! | All Things Cupcake - The #1 Cupcake Site

    […] are complete instructions on how to make the cupcake costume we featured here. Sent in from Meredith […]

  6. sally

    your costume is the uglyest fucking thing in the world fat ass

  7. rachel

    @Sally: You can’t even spell “ugliest”. geez.

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