Robin’s Jewelry Box – Cupcake Necklaces and Pins

By on June 1st, 2008 . Filed under: Accessories, Jewelry .

Pink Cupcake with Vanilla Icing

Pink Cupcake with Vanilla Icing $15.00

Yummy and Adorable this Cute Creamy Vanilla Frosted Cupcake Necklace has been made using Polymer Clay on a Ceramic Serving Plate. Cupcake is 3/4 of an inch in Diameter. Plate is 1 inch in Diameter held by a 24 inch Silver Toned Lead free American Made Ball Link Chain. Item is sent gift wrapped in a Hot Pink Organza Sachet.

Also available…

Sweet chocolate cupcake pin

Sweet chocolate cupcake pin $3.50

Available at the Robin’s Jewelry Box Etsy shop.

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3 Responses to Robin’s Jewelry Box – Cupcake Necklaces and Pins

  1. gina

    those look good enought to eat- i can’t believe it’s jewelry.

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