The Grand-daddy of all Cupcakes

By on April 18th, 2008 . Filed under: Kitchen .

Giant Cupcake

 A few weeks back, Ms. Crafty told me about Target having the Wilton giant cupcake pans. We decided I needed one. (I did need one, right?)
     Once I got it, I needed to find the right occasion to break it in. Well, Sunday night was that occasion.One of my favorite people had a birthday yesterday.
     She’s a third grade teacher, and I thought I’d surprise her and her little students with something special. (Can you think of anything more special to a class of third graders than a giant cupcake?)

 You can read the whole story at Notes from A Cottage Industry.

You will find some very useful tips and suggestions for using the Wilton Giant Cupcake Cast Pan that is available at Target.  

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4 Responses to The Grand-daddy of all Cupcakes

  1. Tracey

    Thank you for sharing my blog post about the giant cupcake! Readign your Blog is part of my daily routine.
    The pan is certainly adorable and I’d recommend it to anyone with a cupcake addiction. (Just bake the top and bottom of the cupcake separately!!)
    Tracey from “A Cottage Industry”.

  2. mandi

    Im so getting one! and thanks Tracey for the heads up…thats kinda major! MUUUAAAHH! xoxoxo

  3. Tanya

    That looks delicious AND gorgeous!

  4. gina

    Super cute! What a great idea for my daughter’s Kingdergarten graduation party.

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