Quirky Cupcakes– T-Shirt Edition.
By cupcake girl on February 4th, 2008 . Filed under: Clothing .They aren’t always sweet. No sir, cupcakes pack an attitude as well. Don’t let their innocent, compartmentalized outward persona persuade you to think these little ‘fairy cakes’ are harmless fun. They also have something to say! Say it well they do. With a spoon-full of sugar helping the medicine go down, today we’ll see four instances of quirky cupcakes with attitude.
Our first two contenders both come from Cupcake Royale and feature the snarky quips Deathcake Royale and Legalize Frostitution. Then comes my personal favorite, created by Johnny Cupcakes, the brown Make Cupcakes Not War tee, offers a sound word of advice the whole world could use! Finally, Natalie Dee helps us see– Cupcakes ARE a breakfast food, in fact, when they are paired with a multivitamin you have a “Super Breakfast!”
With these four unique finds you are sure to not only make the statement that you wholeheartedly appreciate cupcakes but you do with with style and a no-nonsense attitude! Ain’t nobody gonna squash this cupcake.